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Pais estados unidos estados unidos director michele abbott creator, ilene chaiken creator, kathy greenberg creator, rose troche, angela robinson, ilene chaiken, lynne stopkewich, tricia brock, john stockwell, tony goldwyn, bronwen hughes, daniel minahan, clement virgo, moises kaufman, jamie babbit, burr steers guion. Jan 12, 2009 anonimo realizada en musica y ocio television otros television hace 1 decada. Returning cast jennifer beals, kate moennig and leisha hailey will resume their original roles. The groundbreaking drama series originally ran on showtime from 20042009. The official site of the showtime original series the l word. Seasons, episodes, cast, characters official series. Several actors from the original series returned to reprise their roles alongside a new ensemble of diverse characters. I am eager to see what kind of alternative life style series is coming next. The l word bette and tina summary of tibette in under 10 minutes. Created by michele abbott, ilene chaiken, kathy greenberg. We hope you not only enjoy the reboot of the show, but.

The l word is one of the top five shows i have ever seen. Titulo original the l word tv series ano 2004 duracion 50 min. In this sequel, beals, moennig and hailey will resume their. Waooo yo me identifike mucho con the l word y ahora mas contigo soy comodecirlo tu numero 6 llegue a este blog con tbe l word y aki sigo. I recently ordered the complete series and the packaging is very important to me so ill say that i am very satisfied with the packaging. The l word temporada 6 episodio 1 gratis tv show the l word s6 e1. Dicha serie fue creada y dirigida por michele abbott, junto a ilene chaiken y kathy greenberg, quienes tuvieron a sus colaboradores en direccion a rose troche, angela robinson, ilene chaiken, lynne stopkewich, tricia brock, john. Download from thousands of titles to watch offline. Back in october 2003, we were the first ever l word website launched onto the interwebs that was way back when the internet was still newish and there were no things like instagram and facebook, crazy, i know. The third season of showtimes the l word is all about transitions.

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